Longoria Back To The Peak As Valli

Regular readers will know that I found the best part of my Jersey Boys experience last spring to be Michael Longoria, who regularly plays Joey (as in Pesci) "and others."
Only I didn't see Longoria as most theatregoers see him -- on the Friday evening I took in the show, Tony-winner John Lloyd Young was out and Longoria was in as Frankie Valli. Longoria was absolutely breathtaking and genuine in his portrayal of the iconic Four Season. It was hard to believe I was seeing an understudy!
Why am I sharing this now? Well, if you hold tickets to the Saturday matinee thinking you're going to see Young in his Tony-winning role, I have a news flash for you directly from Longoria himself. I just received a bulletin board message from this gifted actor-singer saying:
I play Frankie Valli this Sat Mat! Hope you can make it. Student Rush and Standing Room are sold the day of. Also Cancellation Line!!! Hope to see some of you there.Disappointing as it may initially seem to those hoping to see the original star, trust me when I say that Longoria alone is worth the price of admission for this sold-out performance. He will have you believing he is Frankie Valli.
This is Steve On Broadway (SOB).
Click here for tickets.
Related Stories:
The Curse Of The Understudy (October 2, 2006)
Jersey Boys' Valli Understudy Gets Spotlight (June 15, 2006)
The Tonys: If I Could Vote...for Best Musical (May 31, 2006)
Labels: Broadway, Jersey Boys, John Lloyd Young, Michael Longoria, Musical, Understudy
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